In aid of Mind Logo

We are delighted to announce that our Charity of the Year for 2019 is Mind!

Mind was established as The National Association for Mental Health in 1946 by the merging of three major mental health organisations: The Central Association for Mental Welfare, The National Council for Mental Hygiene and The Child Guidance Council.


Between them these organisations had a fine tradition of working in the mental health sector. They were responsible for a series of important firsts, including the first homes for mentally handicapped people, the first school counsellors, and the first training for child psychiatrists, psychiatric social workers, educational psychologists and teachers of mentally handicapped children.

Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

We will be running a number of charity events throughout the year to raise money for this amazing charity including dress down days, raffles and much more.

You can visit the Mind website at - 

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