Bradley Environmental is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 1155) for the analysis of suspected asbestos materials (using Polarized Light Microscopy), for both single, one-off samples, right through to complete survey sample analysis. Our in-house laboratory provides you with a rapid turnaround of results, usually within 48 hours of samples being received. Please note that the below cost options exclude VAT.

Sample testing Options

We offer customers three asbestos sample testing options:

  1. You can take and send samples direct to one of our four in-house asbestos testing laboratories. 
  2. Our team of analysts can analyse multiple sample batches. Contact Us for a fixed cost quotation.
  3. One of our local asbestos surveyors will attend your commercial or domestic property and take samples of suspected asbestos material for you. Contact Us for a fixed cost quotation.

*Please note – Our Laboratories are not accredited to undertake analysis for asbestos fibres in soil samples. We cannot offer refunds if soil samples are sent to us as disposal costs apply.*

Select number of samples below

**These prices apply to online purchases only.

Please note: This purchase does not include a Self Sampling Kit. Click to buy one here.

  • Once payment is made, you will be taken to the Asbestos Sample Testing instruction page for further information and delivery/postage options. 
  • All costs exclude VAT.
  • Please ensure you include the paypal confirmation number or transaction number with your samples.
  • We do not accept cash payments

Instructions for Sample Testing

Instructions to send suspected asbestos samples into us for analysis:

  • Select the number of samples you require testing
  • Dampen the sample area before disturbing it
  • Break off a 2 - 3 inch square sized piece
  • You must double bag each sample in TWO clear jiffy type (grip lock) polythene bags - Asbestos Self Sampling Kits are available
  • Clearly label each sample bag with your name, address and where the sample was taken from (ie kitchen artex ceiling)
  • You must place all sample bags in a THIRD sturdy container or jiffy type polythene bag
  • Place your sample bag in a sturdy envelope and clearly mark it with “FTAO The Laboratory Manager”
  • Complete the Bulk Sample Submission Form and include in the package your sending
  • Send your samples to our nearest asbestos testing laboratory
  • Repair and seal sample site with duct tape or sealant

Your results will be emailed usually within 48 hours.

Important note - please ensure your samples are double bagged and placed in a third jiffy type polythene bag.