We offer a wide range of professional Noise Risk Assessment and Monitoring services, from noise exposure monitoring to simple acoustic testing like a noise survey for a single machine, or a detailed factory, warehouse and workplace noise risk assessment.

What will we do to help?

Excessive, unmanaged occupational workplace noise exposure will lead to workers who are less productive and more likely to suffer long term health effects. Our workplace noise risk assessment and monitoring services can identify those members of staff who are exposed to excessive noise and help you to manage the risk.

Our consultants provide noise risk assessment and noise monitoring of daily exposures, making recommendations of appropriate control measures and identifying where improvements can be made.

We have the experience where it counts

We have a reputation for providing accurate, thorough and reliable noise measurements of workers' noise exposures. Noise Monitoring and a Risk Assessment will help you to decide what action you need to take to ensure the health and safety of your employees who are exposed to workplace noise.

Our service will:

  • Identify where there may be a risk from noise exposure and who is likely to be affected
  • Contain a reliable estimate of your employees exposures, and compare the exposure with the noise exposure action values and limit values
  • Identify what you need to do to comply with the law, i.e. whether noise-control measures or hearing protection are needed, and if so, where and what type
  • Identify any employees who need to be provided with health surveillance and whether any are at particular risk.

Ready to get started? Contact us today for your free, fast, and fixed-price quotation!