The cost of a water or Legionella and Water Hygiene Risk Assessment is entirely dependent on the amount of water services in and the size of the property.
Typical costs range from £200.00 for a small dental or GP practice to £500.00 for a medium sized care home. Our assessors undertake regular assessments of all types of buildings and water systems including offices, manufacturing sites, warehouses and public buildings.
Contact us to request your fixed quotation.
All businesses have a legal responsibility to ensure their water systems comply with the current Health and Safety legislation. The revised ACoP L8 (fourth edition) The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems, and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 place strict obligations on you to safely manage the risks associated with Legionella. Failure to comply with this legislation could potentially lead to large fines or in some circumstances imprisonment. Furthermore outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease also tend to receive significant media attention which can be extremely damaging to the brand reputation of the organisations involved.