The Directors and Senior Management Team are delighted to announce that we are now an accredited Living Wage Employer. This means that every member of staff working for Bradley Environmental Consultants Ltd will earn a real living wage. 

The accredited Living Wage, which at £12.00 per hour is 4.9% higher than the Government’s minimum (or “National Living Wage”), is an independently calculated hourly rate of pay that is based on the actual cost of living. Our Directors and Senior Management Team have completely restructured our payroll around this initiative and have gone even further than the accreditation requires, meaning that once competency in a role has been demonstrated, our staff will actually be earning at least £12.42 per hour!

Remarkably, this hourly rate is 8.6% more than the Government’s minimum (or “National Living Wage”). It means that a full-time employee will earn over £1,900.00 per annum more than our business is legally obligated to pay, which really drives home our commitment to our staff. The Living Wage Foundation’s research states this difference could pay for over 7 months of food for a household, or almost 5 months of housing and energy costs and will deliver a substantial and tangible benefit for a considerable proportion of our Team.

Bradley Environmental Consultants Ltd joins over 14,000 businesses in the UK who believe their staff deserve a wage which meets their everyday needs.

Chaz Reeves, Commercial and Finance Director said “We are very proud to be a Living Wage Employer, which is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of each and every one of our employees. There’s growing evidence of the benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer and this is demonstrated by the number of well-known companies already accredited, such as KPMG, Aviva, Nationwide, Liverpool FC, Oxfam and Ikea.”

“I firmly believe that becoming an accredited Living Wage Employer will help us achieve our goals and aspirations as a business over the next 5 years, which involves the expansion of key departments throughout the firm. Our staff are our single greatest asset. It’s essential that we retain them as well as continually being able to attract new employees as we expand our operations whilst providing the very best service possible to our clients”.

You can find out more about the real living foundation here: