Following our most successful UKAS audit ever, we’re delighted to confirm the retention of our UKAS accreditation for Inspection and Testing. 

Bradley Environmental Consultants have held UKAS accreditation for Asbestos Inspections since 2004 and Asbestos Testing since 1991.

UKAS white 100The UKAS auditors visited all five of our offices, to assess our technical activities and quality management systems over a five-week period.

“The comments in our final UKAS closeout meeting were something that we can all be proud of. We want to thank our employees for their involvement in the audit, and for their dedication and continuous effort.” said Chaz Reeves, Commercial Director.

UKAS is the National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. It is appointed by the government, to assess and accredit organisations that provide technical services including Asbestos Testing, Asbestos Inspection and calibration.

Our UKAS accreditation covers asbestos surveying, air monitoring, four-stage clearance, and bulk analysis of suspect materials (link all).

“We hope that this confirmation of the quality of our work, shows our existing and future clients that they’re in safe hands,” said Chaz.

As the leading independent Asbestos Management Consultancy in UK with over 30 years of industry experience, Bradley Environmental Consultants sets the standards in asbestos compliance. Specialising in the identification, testing, monitoring and management of asbestos, we are an asbestos consultancy with expertise.